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Our Vision

To continue as a center of excellence in clinical ophthalmology & strive to learn, practice & share the richness of its new developments
Our Mission

To continue as a center of excellence in clinical ophthalmology & strive to learn, practice & share the richness of its new developments
  • Develop innovative, efficient, safe & cost effective services
  • Propagate 'Good eye care leads to better quality of life'
  • Have employment policies supporting quality staff
  • Be eco-friendly by conserving matter & energy
  • To understand that we exist because of our guests
Our Logo - 'Sun and our eyes'
We are well aware that the Sun god is the source for all types of matter and energy in our planet. The spectrum of energy ranges from 100 nanometer wavelength in Ultraviolet C range to 1,00,000 (one mm) nanometres in infrared C range. The visible spectrum that our eyes can perceive, in a vivid range of brightness and colors, range from 380 to 760 nanometers. Our retina has three types of ‘cones’ as receptors to perceive all the colors that we see, with their sensitivity peaking at 450 (Blue), 550 (green) and 600 (red) nanometers. These 3 cones correspond to 3 primary colors. All other colors are perceptions of varying mixtures of these three 3 colors! Sun doesn't have a scientific name. He is sometimes called ‘Sol’ in Latin by Romans & ‘Helios’ by Greek. The symbol of sun is a circle with a dot in the center. 

The logo of Karthik Netralaya stands for Sun god, and script in it ‘Thanno Aditya Prachodayath‘ is from ‘Aditya Gayathri Manthra’ of the powerful meditation ‘Navagraha Gayathri Mantra’. This recites as “Om Bhaskaraya Vidhmahe, Diva karaya Dheemahe, Thanno Aditya Prachodayath‘ meaning ‘let me meditate to the Sun God, Oh, maker of the day, give me the higher intellect, and let Sun God illuminate my mind’. 
We know that the Sun is a star, that took birth about 4.6 billion years ago, and is the center of the Solar system. Its central core mass is a huge dense ball of hot plasma caused by nuclear fusion. About 600 million tons of hydrogen is converted into Helium every second! That is about 4 million tons of matter changing into energy every second! Sun’s diameter being 1.39 million kilometres, is about 109 times that of our Earth. Its weight is about 330,000 times that of Earth, and so makes about 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System! 75% of Sun's weight consists of Hydrogen & the rest is Helium. Small amounts of Oxygen, Carbon, Neon and Iron are present too. Earth is on an average about 15,00,00,000 kilometers away from sun, and it takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds for its light to travel!  

Our eyes are offshoots of brain to receive Sunrays! 
At the end of 4th week of pregnancy, two bulges appear on either side of the forebrain of the fetus. These outgrowths merge with the surface skin to develop into the eyes. So our eye is actually a part of our brain, which has stretched out to meet the rays from sun! This is very unusual compared to any other part of the body, including other sense organs. 

Circadian rhythm
Do you know that Sunlight helps us to sleep better? The light-sensitive cells in the eyes control our innate awake-sleep cycles. The position of Earth in relation to Sun is cyclical and our body’s circadian cycles rhymes with it. Sun exposure is known to regulate the Pituitary gland, which is the master controller of our endocrine system & all the hormonal balances of our body. The sunlight plays a role in regulating Melatonin, a hormone that controls circadian rhythm and sleep.The artificial illumination has disturbed this connection with nature. Syncing back with Sun’s cycle, atleast for few hours every day, can restore our body’s natural rhythm & improve metabolism & overall health. Your day time fatigue and drowsiness will reduce and will be able to fall asleep quickly at night. It is good to mimic this rhythm in indoor lighting too, by trimming the blue end of spectrum after sunset in indoor lighting, & switching over to the night mode of laptop, desktop and mobile screens to sync with the sun-set and sun-raise. 

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